If you are a furniture business owner or professional service provider, please APPLY HERE.
For individual sellers, follow these steps:
- Sign up or log in to your account.
- Connect your account to a payment system. Without a connected payment system, buyers can not pay for any items. Here is how you can do it.
- Click "Add a listing" in the top right corner of the screen.
- Fill in the form. Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
- Check out our Photo Guide to ensure you create quality photos of your items.
- Check our Curation Standards and Listing Guidelines to ensure your submission can be accepted.
- "Post Listing" and allow us up to 48 hours to review your submission. Once approved, your listing will be visible to GOS members.
- We offer a direct messaging service where buyers can contact you directly. Additionally, we offer GOS Concierge service. If there's interest in your items, a potential buyer or GOS Concierge will contact you to request more information and negotiate the sale.
- When both the seller and buyer are happy with the terms, the buyer will start a payment and arrange pickup. We encourage buyers to pick up items in person to ensure their condition and quality. As a seller, it's your responsibility to provide truthful and honest information about your items.
- Once the purchase is completed, money will be sent to the seller. Note that seller payouts are delayed until the order is marked as "Completed" -- when the purchase is finalized, the buyer should mark the sale 'Completed' to trigger the funds release to the seller.
- Fees: Garage Online Sale charges sellers a 20% commission. Applicable taxes are included in the seller's price. Buyers are not charged any fees or commissions. Read the full Terms here.
- Don't forget to subscribe to our updates and follow us on social media.
Question? Email to support@garageonlinesale.com
Updated: April 2023