Garage Online Sale ™ Blog
2021-05-07 21:23 Basic guides Sellers

Photo Guide To Sell Quickly

Wipe your camera/iPhone lens and let's start.

Prepare your Furniture

Always prepare your furniture. Make sure to dust the item, clean and vacuum the upholstery, and polish material like wood, leather, and metal. Consider professional cleaning, it will make your item look much fresher and brighter. If your piece requires assembly, allow enough time and preparation for assembling.

If you are selling gently used pieces, don’t hide imperfections. If you can’t fix them, leave scratches and other damage in the frame to allow your buyer to get an accurate view of your product’s condition. Accuracy increases consumer satisfaction and your reputation as a seller. 


Using natural light is best, especially with the unique sizes and shapes of furniture. Try to avoid direct sunlight if you’re shooting outside or right next to a window. You don’t want the light to create harsh shadows.

If you photograph furniture next to a window and you notice bad shadows, you can diffuse the light with a sheet or white piece of paper.

Strong shadows from indoor light


The quickest and simplest solution is a neutral colored wall. White or grey. 

Select a wall that is well lit and large enough for your product. White, grey, or lightly-colored walls are generally best because they allow products to stand out, emphasizing colors and textures.

Use simple, neutral  background.

Remember some rules:  you should photograph a white item against grey walls (as opposed to white walls) and photograph darker items against either white or grey.

Choose your angle

When you photograph furniture, choose an angle that allows you to see the front, side, and top of your furniture in one image. Shooting front-on will confuse your customer and make your piece appear flat while shooting from an angle will give the customer a better visual representation of your product’s dimensions.

360 photo guide: just repeat these angles

You can use a tripod if you own one. A tripod keeps your camera / iPhone stationary and ensures consistency from shot to shot.

To make all photos look similar and consistent, mark your spot on the floor. So that the distance between your camera and the product is always the same. 

Don’t Over Style

It may look pretty and fun when you style your furniture, but it’s usually a mistake. Your buyer may not like the way you style your piece, and in most cases, it will be distraction or conceal something your buyer wants to see.

Shoot Multiple Angles

Show your buyer as much of the product as possible. Don’t take one image and call it quits; grab their attention. Photograph from multiple angles and zoom in on detail. Get in the habit of photographing the front, back, each side, and 45 degree angles. Remember, your customers can’t touch or feel the furniture, so allow them to feel as though they are walking around the product. 

More product images lead to more sales. 360 photo guide: just repeat these angles.

Add detail images to highlight specific aspects you feel make your furniture unique and will be of interest to your buyer, like fabric patterns, wood grain, etchings, and engravings.

Photo on the right gives a better idea of color and leather quality

The more angles and details you can show off your furniture, the more confident a buyer will feel when making a purchase decision.

Don’t cover up any damage. 
Be honest. You want to show the item in details to sell it as quick as possible. You don’t want a buyer to turn down your offer when they see your item in person. Just make sure to highlight your product’s best features first, and then go full-disclosure on any parts that aren’t in perfect condition.

Highlighting a minor scratch on the seat

A stain on the arm of the sofa that couldn't be removed during a professional cleaning

You can do minor photo editing to adjust light and colors of the product. Don’t overdo it. iPhone photo editing tools are enough to brighten up the image. 
If you have any photo editing skills, remove the background of your photos to give your product images a professional touch.

All photos are Copyright of Garage Online Sale ™.